Posts by "JR Farr"

A New Chapter.

And so it begins. The journey of “Ridin’ Solo”.

Big changes are happening in my life right now. After almost 5 years of working full-time for a well respected online ad agency, I’ve decided to spread my wings and take a shot at pushing my own ventures (*cough MOJO Themes) to the next level.

That’s right. I’m taking my MOJO lovin’ ideas to a whole new place.


Luckily for me, through my experience working for an ad agency I now feel confident with the skill-set that I carry along with me. It’s because of my experience there, I’m fortunate enough to now work on things I’m passionate about and created from scratch. Of course, I owe a big thanks to my mentors that helped me and push me along the way.

What’s Next?

Call it a curse, but the entrepreneur gene runs thick through me. Yes, the steady flow of paychecks, benefits, insurance are amazing with the comfort of job. Plus, who knows, maybe that’s something that fits me later but for right now in this part of my life, I need to continue building my own ventures.

The only way to see my ventures continue to keep their momentum and grow what we’ve already built, I need to be on engaged full-time. Mix that tasty brew with a hint of the best partners/team, do whatever it takes, I don’t care what obstacles are in my way, passion for what I’m doing… I think I’ll be just fine 😉

With all that blah, blah, blah—I say cheers to this new journey and thanks to everyone and their awesome support!

Landing Pages for Dummies – 2 Minute Version

Landing Pages for DummiesThere are a few things that can be your best friend or biggest nemesis in about 3.8 seconds and one of those thingamajigs is… well, landing pages.

Welcome to my quick 2 minute version of “Landing Pages for Dummies.”

Landing pages play a huge role in the success of your online marketing efforts. Specifically your paid search campaigns.

I’ve had several clients or business owners seeking advice on whether they should close down their paid search accounts because their campaigns aren’t performing.

My first question is usually:

What’s your current conversion rate?

The answer back is usually:

“I don’t know”.

Whether your spending money via paid search or putting in hours of time writing quality content to get traffic to your site, you should know this simple metric. Rather than investing more money into your paid search budget, why not invest in your landing page instead?

Let’s start off by having me show you the “world’s greatest landing page”. Anyone want to take a guess? Well if you cheated and looked, which I’m sure you did, it’s Google.

Google's Landing Page

All joking aside, Googles landing page is fantastic. It’s straight to the point, clean and it’s gotten the job done for the past 10+ years.

What’s makes a landing page convert?

When you ask it that way there are so many elements that come into play. Here are just a few to consider:

  • Design – Is your site design user-friendly?
  • Copy – Does your copy do a good job of promoting your offer to your visitors?
  • Layout – When I get to your landing page is the layout clean and concise?
  • CTA (Call to Action) – Are you telling your visitors what to do?
  • Leaks – Do you have extra links that will leak out your visitors?

If you have a current landing page, are you covering these areas? If so, where do you see improvement?

TIP: Rather than guessing what areas to improve on or to test, use your site analytics to determine where the bottlenecks are.

In my opinion, it’s not JUST having the sexiest design or the most persuasive copy. Remember to tie every element together. Also, having consistency from your paid search ad to your even your thank you page will never leave a bad taste in your customers mouth.

How hard is your current landing page working for you?

Ultimately, it also depends on what the goal of your landing page is.

  • Are generating leads or selling a products?
  • Is your lead gen page a simple lead form or do you require a credit card?
  • If you’re selling products, do you have a low price point or high price point?

When you consider these types of things, you begin to understand your potential customer. Put yourself in their shoes. Would you fill out your lead form? What differentiates yourself from your competitors?

My Formula to Highly Converting Landing Page

Here’s a quick landing page “check list” of things you should consider with your landing page.

1. Competitive Analysis — Research your competition. See if there are any gaps currently not being filled. Find out what they’re offering.  Bottom line though, research your competitors BUT don’t let your competition dictate what you do.

2. What’s your Offer? — From FREE Trials, FREE Shipping to Buy 1 Get 1 FREE, know what your offer is and stick to it. Don’t have a landing page that has multiple offers. It’s just straight up confusing.

3. Design/Creative — Let’s face it, we’re all not as talented as we’d like to think when it comes to pushing pixels. Just accept it and hire a freelancer to do it. Or if you have your in-house creative team let them tell you what looks best. There are 101 different landing page layouts. Avoid the design by committee and let the designer lay it out with what they think looks best. After you start collecting enough data you can test new layouts.

4. Development — Keep it simple stupid… for the user of course. Quick example, if you’re selling a product, be clear & concise. Your product should be displayed professionally with high-res images, wth a clear description and smooth checkout process.

5. Testing — Yes of course test your page for any bugs, but the testing I’m referring to is conversion testing. Consistent testing is crucial. From an entirely different layout to the color of your call to action button, testing will help you achieve a highr converting page.

[download]I want to put an emphasis on testing because I feel like conversion testing is just an after-thought to most. It’s completely under-utilized by most companies. C’mon people this is 2010 (close enough) and with all of the conversion testing tools at our fingertips, what are you doing?[/download]

6. Consistency — From start to finish. Same message. Same look and feel. Same offer. You get the point.

7. Miscellaneous Items — Here’s a few other random things in no particular order.

  • Privacy Policy: You’d be surprised how many landing pages don’t let their visitors know what they do with their information and if it’s safe.
  • Phone Number: I understand this can sometimes be a leak or you don’t have the luxury of a phone number but this allows your visitors the option of filling out your form or picking up the phone.
  • Guarantee: 30 Day or Money-Back. Can you give your visitors a guarantee with your offer?

So there you have it. Short and sweet. If you’ve read this far I’m hoping it was valuable. If you have any additional ways to improve landings or anything worthy I can add to this post, let me know by leaving a comment. Also checkout my latest product, Weav to help supercharge your ecommerce marketing.

As always, be sure to Subscribe to my RSS Feed or Follow @jrfarr on Twitter and I’ll catch you on the flip side.

Compelling Paid Search Ad Copy from Start to Finish

Paid Search Ad Copy from Start to Finish

Today I want to talk about writing compelling ad copy that will not only increase your CTR% (click through rate) but also lift your overall conversion rate. It’s easy to blame a poor conversion rate on your landing page but when your paid search campaigns aren’t “top notch”, that could be where the bottleneck is happening.

Obviously your shooting to have your ad copy “catch” the users attention BUT remember to also keep that compelling component go all the way through to the landing page.

C’mon, let me show you what I’m talking about.

Starting Point – The Ad

Let’s say for example I’m looking to purchase a new SLR camera lens for my Nikon D60. So I head over to Google and search for “Nikon D60 Lenses”. Seems like a logical keyword phrase to search right?

Well maybe… here are the top 3 results:

TIP: Out of the top 3 results, none of them are geared specifically for my keyword phrase.

I clicked on the 2nd ad and was directed to this landing page.


No way — Are you serious? Was my search that specific that you couldn’t point me in the right direction?

First of all with these being the top 3 results I was hoping for a little more specific ad copy. Gee I don’t know, how about a more targeted ad like this:

Nikon D60 Lenses (Solid keyword headline)
Wide Selection of Nikon Lenses. (A feature or benefit when visiting our website.)
Buy Today & Get Free Shipping! (Call to Action) (Reinforcing the category or product once more.)

Dude Where’s my Car? errr… My Lens?

Sure out of the 3 ads, we’d expect that Amazon would take me to the right place but what’s with that ad copy? “Lens Nikon at Amazon“. What does that even mean? No, just because you put your brand name in your headline doesn’t mean I’m going to click on your ad. Sorry, but you have to try harder than that.

After clicking on the 2nd ad, I was not directed to the Nikon Lens page. This immediately made me want to click the back button.Why make the user dig through your site to find what they’re looking for?

Now, we’ll go into this later but the reason this ad was displayed when I searched this is because he’s buying the term Nikon D60 as a “broad match” term.

Broad Matching Terms: Allows your ad to show on similar phrases and relevant variations

This mistake goes back to my last article about the importance of paid search account structure. When you create tightly, crafted campaigns with 10-15 keywords you can avoid this costly mistake.

Wrap it Up with Common Sense

Do you necessarily need to make a Nikon D60 Lens ad group & a Nikon D40 Lens Campaign and so on? No, but if you want a better CTR and maximize your money, do it the right way and stop being lazy. If you’re not taking the time to setup these campaigns very specific, then you’re just throwing your money away.

Lastly, keep in mind that it’s not just your ad copy that’s saying something to your users… You’re landing page is part of the “pre-sale” process as well. Ensuring that your ad copy and landing page copy all mesh well together is key. My point to all of this is to make it easy, precise and to the point 😉

Now go make sure you’re ad copy makes sense from start to finish.

Was this helpful? Let me know if I didn’t touch on something or you need more clarification. In the meantime be sure to Subscribe to my RSS Feed or Follow @jrfarr on Twitter for the next Rockstar PPC installment.

The Importance of your Paid Search Account Strucutre

Importance of Paid Search Account Structure
This is Rockstar PPC 101: I’m starting out with the basics as I write these first few posts. We’ll  work towards getting  into much more advanced techniques as we move forward.

Alright, so now that you’ve gone through my “Define.Research. Deploy.” process, you’re ready to start setting up your paid search campaigns. Within that process you should’ve completed the following items:

  • Define your Niche
  • Research your competition within your niche using Keyword Research Tools
  • Solidify your Objective
  • Creating a compelling CTA (Call to Action)

With those items behind you, it’s time to talk about the setting up your paid search campaigns. What I mean by that, is how are you going to be organizing your account structure?

Why is Account Structure Important?

The last thing you want to do is start creating a bunch of random campaigns with no real direction. You’ll end up overlapping campaigns, have an un-organized account and will most likely cause you more work.

Back in the day, your campaigns would be stuffed with thousands of keywords with just a few ad groups. Now, I don’t ever have more than 10-15 keywords within an ad group.

Essentially, with a structured account, you’ll be able to pin-point any item you want in your account which allow for better management. No matter how granular you want to manage your account (e.g. down to the keyword level) you’ll know exactly where everything is within your account.

Paid Search Account Structure & How it Effects your Quality Score

I can’t emphasize enough how important your account structure is. This is one of the biggest factors when talking about Google’s Quality Score. In case you’re not familiar with the quality score, you need to definitely understand it before you setup a Google Adwords account. In short the Google Quality Score is:

The AdWords system calculates a ‘Quality Score’ for each of your keywords. It looks at a variety of factors to measure how relevant your keyword is to your ad text and to a user’s search query. A keyword’s Quality Score updates frequently and is closely related to its performance. In general, a high Quality Score means that your keyword will trigger ads in a higher position and at a lower cost-per-click (CPC).

Back in October of 2008 I did a post on “How to Help your Google Adwords Quality Score“. All of it is still relevant and will play a huge role in building up your quality score.

Inside Google Adwords (and Yahoo! & MSN, etc.) your account is laid out like this.

  • Campaigns (e.g. Mens Nike Shoes)
    • Ad Groups (e.g. Nike Shox, Nike Air Max, Nike
    • Ad Copy
    • Keywords

TIP: The more specific you layout your campaigns the more specific your ad copy & keywords will be. Thus, resulting in better ROI and conversion rate.

Solid Account Structure = Extreme Relevance & Google Love

Google’s main goal with their search results is to be as relevant as possible. If you’re campaigns as relevant as possible, Google will reward you for your hard work & effort.

It’s easy to be lazy and throw up a few campaigns and a few ads. Try to avoid that and make it a goal to reach the maximum amount of campaigns within your account.

If you’re not shooting for that, you’re just being lazy.

Let’s look at a few examples

Let me show you a quick example of how a well structured campaign, makes you get more specific & relevant.

In this examples, I’m using the new Nike Shox that just came out, the “Nike Shox NZ id”. You could either setup your own Nike Shox campaigns or just add another ad group to a General Nike Shoes campaign.

If it were me, I would use the more specific example. (See below.)

Campaign Name: Mens Nike Shox
Ad Group:
Nike Shox NZ id
Ad Copy:
Nike Shox NZ id

Customize your NZ’s with Nike ID.
Get 20% Off & Free Shipping Today!

When you setup your account strucutre this way, you have no choice but to have a very specific ad, that targets very specific keywords. This does a number of things. Compared to the other ads you’ll be displaying next to, you’re more likely to be clicked on and you’ll be linking to correct product page the consumer is looking for.

Here’s what happens when you don’t have account structure

When I searched for “Nike Shox NZ id” these were the top 3 ads to show up.


First thing you’ll notice is out of all 3 results, none of them use the descriptive ad copy to really “sell” the product. It’s unfortunate to see. In my opinion, if the account was structured in a precise manner, they would be much more specific for each product. For the most part, these ads are geared to just the Nike Shox shoe.

But after clicking on each of the ads, it get’s worst.

All of these ads failed to send the me, the visitor, to the appropriate landing page. Out of the 3, Footlocker was the worst, as it sent me to this page:


Uh — what is this?

I mean, it’s nice of you to show me your New Balance shoe collection but your ad told me it would take me to your Nike Shox? Seriously, Footlocker out of all sites out there too. I expect more out of a big company to have it more together. To me, this is a classic case of having an un-structured account which ultimately takes away your ability to manage your entire account.

Either way, just remember to keep it relevant. Having a well thought out account/campaign structure will give you the ability to manage your paid search campaigns at an optimal level.

If you’ve already created a few campaigns within your account, that’s ok. Next time you’re begin setting up new campaigns and ad groups, remember the importance of your paid search account structure.

Was this helpful? Let me know if I didn’t touch on something or you need more clarification. In the meantime be sure to Subscribe to my RSS Feed or Follow @jrfarr on Twitter for the next Rockstar PPC installment.

Define. Research. Deploy. – Rockstar PPC

Setting up a plan of action before launching your paid search campaigns.

Let me take you through my process and how I build paid search campaigns that dominate different markets for years to come.

Over the past 3-4 years I’ve gone through the trial & errors learning the ropes of paid search. In that time frame I have seen some great success and some of the highest return rates from paid search. I think a common mis-conception with paid search is it’s easy to do. Anyone can do it right? I mean just enter your credit card information and start bidding on keywords.

Let me tell you, I didn’t learn what I’m about to teach overnight and sadly, paid search is so much more.

Today, I’m still making consistent monthly income from those same campaigns that I setup 3-4 years ago. But it’s not from running these campaigns on “auto-pilot”. It’s through constant tweaking, testing different landing pages, adjusting bids etc. that allow the results to continue to increase.

My goal by the end of this Rockstar PPC Series is to not just teach you the skills I know. I also hope you apply all of these lessons to create paid search campaigns that bring you a consistent ROI month in and month out.

Start Here: The Setup.

Whether you’re a small business owner who wants to build your local business, an online dealer selling sporting good products or an affiliate marketer promoting several offers, you need to setup the proper foundation. So before you get too excited and start building a massive keyword list and turn on your paid search campaigns, let’s take a few days to get things figured out.

Don’t make the mistake of opening the Google flood gates before you have a solid plan in place.

If you can follow these simple steps below before you get too far into it, you can save yourself some time & money.

  • Define your Niche
  • Research your competition within your niche using Keyword Research Tools
  • Solidify your Objective
  • Creating a compelling CTA (Call to Action)

1. Define your Niche & Get Specific

What do I mean by defining your niche? Take the camera industry for example. I can think of several niches just within that niche it’s just how specific do you want to get. Are you selling point & shoot cameras, SLR cameras, video cameras, camera accessories or all of them?

The more specific you get, the less the competition but the lower the market reach. The less specific you get, the more the competition but the higher the market reach.

One thing to keep in mind about paid search is to always remember how highly targeted the traffic is. With that being said, when you get specific about what your niche is, you’ll be sending highly targeted traffic to a website that converts the visitor.

2. Keyword Research & Competitive Analysis

Now that you know your niche, you need to find out a couple things.

  1. What is the competition like?
  2. Is there enough interest or searches in the niche you want to target?

I created a list awhile back that breaks down free keyword research tools from Google. Use these free keyword research tools to see how competitive the space is & see how many people are searching within your niche.

HELP: If you’re unclear on how to use these tools to a. find a niche or b. research your niche, feel free to watch this video tutorial. Finding your Niche & Getting a Feel for the Competition.

3. Solidify your Objective

This is a key component within your campaigns. Let’s look at 2 examples.

  1. Are you selling a Product? If so, what are offering to make it more appealing compared to your competition?
  2. Are you generating Leads? If so, what are you offering to make the user want to give you their information? Would it be valuable to them?

4. Create a Compelling “Call to Action”

Now that you know your objective, what is the call to action to get the user to make the jump?

  • When selling products, most consumers like seeing, “FREE Shipping!” or “Buy 1 Get 1 Free!” of “Get 20% Off when you Buy Today!”.
  • When generating leads, offer something tangible. Fill out our quick form for a — “Free Trial” or “Download a Free Whitepaper” or ” Ebook Download — 7 Ways to Improve your Landing Page”.


Now take these fundamental action steps and start laying out a plan to start creating your marketing plan and structuring your website. You’ll see all the pieces slowly come together and you’ll thank yourself in the end for not wasting your time or money.

Was this helpful? Let me know if I didn’t touch on something or you need more clarification. In the meantime be sure to Subscribe to my RSS Feed or Follow @jrfarr on Twitter for the next Rockstar PPC installment.